For carer support, call us today: 0800 2 EDANZ or (09) 5222 679

EDANZ provides eating disorder support, education and awareness.

Eating disorders are complex and difficult to treat, with the highest mortality rate of any mental illness. But there is hope: eating disorders are treatable and full recovery is possible.

Who we are

The Eating Disorders Association of New Zealand (EDANZ) is a non-profit organisation dedicated to supporting people caring for a person with an eating disorder. EDANZ provides support, information and education as well as awareness raising and advocacy for better access to quality care.

EDANZ was established in 2007 by a group of parents and caregivers responding to a lack of services for people with eating disorders. EDANZ is run by volunteers, with a Board of Directors responsible for direction and strategy. Everyone working for us is a volunteer, and most of us have personal experience as parents or family members of someone who has had an eating disorder. 

What we do

EDANZ focuses on supporting parents and caregivers, providing quality information and resources, educating schools, medical professionals and the general public, and advocating for change at a government level.

Our goals are to:

  • Provide support, information, and resources for carers of people with eating disorders.
  • Educate doctors, nurses and other medical professionals working with eating disorder patients
  • Improve awareness and understanding of eating disorders in the community

Support for carers

If you're caring for someone with an eating disorder, you can access support by calling or emailing EDANZ, or by joining one of our support group get-togethers.

Get in touch for a chat with a volunteer, to find a support group in your area, or to connect with other carers near you. If you call, you will usually reach our answerphone. Leave a brief message, and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

Phone: 0800 233 269 / 09 5222 679


Read more about support groups

Information and resources

We recommend that you learn as much about eating disorders as you can. The more you know, the better equipped you'll be to help your loved one to recover from the illness. 

There are a lot of myths and misinformation about eating disorders, so it’s important you have access to the latest evidence-based information. Here on our website, and by signing up to our newsletters, you’ll get access to quality, up-to-date information and resources. We also can recommend books and other educational material.

View our online resources and book list


The misunderstandings around eating disorders makes recovery much more difficult. We provide information for health professionals, parents, schools, and community groups working with eating disorder patients. This includes presenting to medical students, hospital staff, and to various parent, school and community groups around the country.

If you'd like to one of our experts to help educate an organisation or community group, get in touch with us.

We also recommend the booklets produced by the international non-profit FEAST, which you can read online, or download and print. 

Read the FEAST Family Guide series


We’re focused on improving access to services and treatment for people with eating disorders and their families by raising awareness with health professionals, the Ministry of Health and the Government. We also work closely with clinicians at New Zealand's three eating disorder treatment centres.

Our funding

We're a registered charity run by volunteers who generously give their time. We rely solely on donations and grants. Making a donation, whether one off or regular, can make a huge difference. 

We appreciate all the people, families, foundations and businesses that so generously contribute towards the work we do supporting, educating and advocating for families and their loved ones.