This project explores the journey from ‘doing anorexia’ towards ‘doing wellbeing’ and how you changed as a person over this process. We will investigate what influenced your sense of identity (who you are) in relation to doing. Of particular interest will be the activities (or occupations) you did as you recovered, how and why these changed as you journeyed away from the illness towards wellbeing. We will explore what occupations became meaningful to you, what influenced you in becoming more yourself, and what ‘doing’ supported your wellbeing instead of the illness.
Who do we need:
We are looking for people who had anorexia nervosa as teenagers (age 12-18y), were treated in New Zealand between 2012 and 2019, and have now been recovered for at least 1 year.
What is required:
The research will involve one interview no longer than 90 minutes, online using Microsoft Teams.
What you share will help us understand what teenagers need as they recover, provide new insights into future research, and indications for treatments or supports that may be useful to help more people to make this journey into wellbeing.
Consent form (by returning this form you are consenting to participate in this research project):
Consent FormFor more information contact:
Maree Sievwright sievm1@student.op.ac.nz Student researcher
Sian E. Griffiths sian.griffiths@op.ac.nz Principal Lecturer/ Postgraduate Team Lead
School of Occupational Therapy, Otago Polytechnic/Te Kura Matatini ki Otago
Posted: Fri 01 Apr 2022