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Health Star Rating Petition Request

Health Star Rating Petition Request

Health Star Ratings are difficult to interpret, inequitable, and have not led to any meaningful change in shopper habits in fact they are damaging to people affected by eating disorders. EDANZ and Voices of Hope support Health Minister Reti's pre-election comment to conduct a review of Health Star Ratings (HSRs) on food products, however both are concerned by the prospect of mandatory labelling or warning labels as advocated for by the Public Health Advisory Committee and the Health Coalition Aotearoa respectively. In a survey of 101 people with lived experience, 80% felt that Health Star Ratings and Warning Labels on food are harmful to those affected by ngā mauiui kai | eating disorders. 

We need your support in signing a petition to ensure voices of people affected are heard. In addition we are advocating that:

  1. Health Star Ratings are discontinued and front-of-package warning labels are not implemented
  2. Government explores alternative approaches to incentivising product reformulation
  3. The process of developing and implementing any population nutritional intervention incorporates the voice of those at greatest risk of being adversely affected: people affected by eating disorders
  4. Efforts to improve the health of our nation are focused on increasing the availability of a variety of nutritionally balanced foods and eradicating food inequity. 


You can read the full submission here

Sign the Petition

Petition closes 13 May 2025

Posted: Fri 08 Nov 2024
