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Eating Disorder Services

Getting help: Eating disorder services in New Zealand

In New Zealand, Eating Disorder treatment is provided by a range of providers – public, private, specialist and general, in-patient or day based. Finding the right treatment for your child or loved one usually starts with a visit to a GP. They will be able to refer you to the appropriate service, and treatment will follow from there.

We have provided a list of questions to consider when choosing care providers at the bottom of this page.

These treatment providers are available nationwide:

Community Mental Health Services

This is the first level of Eating Disorder treatment in some centres. In others you will be referred directly to the Eating Disorder Service. You will need a referral from a GP to get an appointment, but you can phone the community health team to find out more about timing and treatment options. If you're very concerned about your loved one, call the crisis line for immediate assistance.

Crisis 24-Hour Answer Services – 0800 800 717                                       

Specialist Eating Disorder Services

Specialist Clinics are located in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch. There should not be a long wait time and if your loved one's illness is severe, you may be referred to a clinic straight away.

Inpatient or residential care, day programmes

Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch all have specialised inpatient facilities for patients who will benefit from this treatment.

What to expect from Eating Disorder services in your region


Tupu Ora Eating Disorder Services  – 09 623 4650

Outpatient Care

Covering the greater Auckland region, Tupu Ora Eating Disorder Services (TOEDS) operates out of Greenlane Hospital in Auckland. After your loved one is assessed by your local Community Mental Health Centre, they may be referred to Tupu Ora Eating Disorder Services.

Tupu Ora services include:

  • Individual therapy
  • Family therapy
  • Nutritional advice and meal planning with a dietician
  • Supporting families to use the Maudsley approach for younger children
  • A six-month group therapy programme for people with Bulimia. 

Inpatient Care

For some patients, day programmes and outpatient care may not be appropriate. Patients with medical issues caused by their eating disorder may need to be admitted for more intensive treatment.

Patients under 16 will usually be admitted to Starship Hospital. This facility has dedicated beds for people with eating disorders, and provides intense specialist treatment. Once your loved one's condition improves, they will be discharged to participate in the Tupu Ora Eating Disorder Services Outpatient programme.

People over 16 will be admitted to the Tupu Ora Residential and Day Clinic (previously THRIVE) in Parnell, Auckland. This clinic offers nine dedicated beds for residential care and an intensive day programme.

To find out more about in-patient care phone Tupu Ora on 09 623 4650.

MIDLANDS (Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Taranaki, Lakes, Tairāwhiti)

Te Manawa Taki (Midland) – 07 8346902

Ask to speak to someone in the specialist eating disorders service (the number is for the adult mental health reception number). Outside of the Waikato this service can also put service users in touch with liaison clinician in their area – Bay of Plenty, Taranaki, Lakes, Tairāwhiti.


Central Region Eating Disorder Services (CREDS) – 04 587 2957

Wellington's community-based eating disorder service is run by the Te Whatu Ora Capital, Coast and Hutt Valley. The service is known as CREDS (Central Region Eating Disorder Service) and provides a range of treatment and support services for people with eating disorders and their families.

These services include:

  • Treatment options such as diet support, counselling, and residential care
  • Information and support for family members and carers
  • Consultation, liaison and training for health professionals
  • Education and prevention programme for schools and community groups
  • A residential treatment facility with 6 dedicated beds


South Island Eating Disorder Services (SIEDS) – 0800 335 4159 or 03 335 4159

In the South Island, treatment for eating disorders is provided by Te Whatu Ora Waitaha Canterbury. The service operates out of Princess Margaret Hospital in Christchurch. This service liaises with other South Island health Boards to provide treatment as needed.

Services include:

  • Outpatient treatment including therapy, diet support and meal planning
  • Inpatient treatment in their 6 bed facility
  • Treatment from a specialist team of psychiatrists, psychologists, dieticians, social workers and occupational therapists


Southern Support Eating Disorders Services – 0800 328 744

This community-based service is located in Otago, providing free advice to anyone with questions or concerns about potential eating disorders. Southern Support will also give you a consultation in person, which will usually be held at your GP's office. 

Private Services

Although the public health system provides a range of eating disorder services, some people wish to use private services instead (see list below). Click here for some tips on seeking private treatment.

Find a support group in your area

Meeting with people going through the same thing can help. There are support groups run by parents and caregivers in many places. Contact us to find out whether there is a get-together in your area, or if you are interested setting one up.

List of Private Eating Disorder Clinics in New Zealand

The following clinics are listed publicly as specialising in eating disorder treatment.   

EDANZ does not explicitly endorse individual clinics, as we are not in a position to do so. If you are representing a clinic to be included on this list, please contact us at:


52 College Hill
Freemans Bay

Phone: 09 962 6236


Nurture Psychology
204/100 Parnell Road


Practice 371
Level 2 | 371 Parnell Road
Auckland 1052


Shelley Beach Practice
28 Elgin Street
Grey Lynn

Phone: 021 022 01239

Eating Disorder Psychology Collective

1/1 Howe Street
Freemans Bay



Bodywise New Zealand
Level 8, 342 Lambton Quay
Wellington Central




Nurture Psychology
(Satellite clinic - rooms within Therapy Hub)
Level 3, 204 Thorndon Quay



Nurture Psychology
(Satellite clinic - rooms within Heritage Psychology)
360 Barbados Street
Central City


Recovered Living

Phone:  03 6625 170

Questions to consider when choosing care providers:

  • Does the clinic specialise in eating disorders or do they treat a range of mental health issues? (Eating disorders require a high level of specific expertise and ongoing training.)
  • Does the clinic include medical, psychiatric, psychological, and dietician care? (Eating disorder treatment is multidisciplinary in nature and patients and carers must be supported by a range of specialists.)
  • If the treatment provider is not part of a specialist clinic, how do they coordinate care with other members of the treatment team? Is it the responsibility of the family or the treatment provider to establish a treatment team? 
  • How does the clinic involve families in the treatment process? Are parents considered part of the treatment team? What privacy rules does the provider follow? (Eating disorder treatment that involves the family is now considered to be the most effective for people of all ages. Not all providers do so, though increasingly, eating disorder treatment providers are seeing parents and siblings and partners as integral to treatment success.)
  • How are parents and siblings involved in care?
  •  Who is responsible, during treatment, for meal planning, preparation, and monitoring?
  • What roles do weight restoration and normalized eating play in treatment? (Although in the past, eating disorder treatment often involved insight and psychological progress before it addressed food and eating, it is now considered necessary to address eating and weight normalisation before psychological treatment.)
  • What specific training do the providers have in eating disorders? 
  • Does the clinic offer “evidence-based” care? (Evidence-based means there is rigorous research to support its use with eating disorders.)
  • What is the clinic’s philosophy around the cause of eating disorders? (This is a controversial issue and answers vary a great deal. It is important for families to do their own research on this topic and evaluate the providers’ philosophical approach carefully; some providers still practise under the belief that parents cause or contribute to eating disorders, believe eating disorders are a sign of trauma or abuse, and other unfounded and now disproven concepts.)
  • What facilities does the provider or clinic refer families to when a higher or lower level of care is indicated?